Farmer Phil's Veggie Varieties
Farmer Phil's Herb Varieties

How a Freeze Affects Plants

Some plants are more sensitive to frosts than others. Usually, plants that are more sensitive to frost are planted during late spring or summer, while plants that grow better in cooler or fall temperatures can withstand a bit of frost. In fact, some plants, especially greens like spinach and kale, even benefit from a small amount of frost, as this can improve the flavor of the plant when harvested. Nevertheless, most plants should be protected once frost starts to form in late fall or early winter in most areas of the United States. This will extend your season.

One common technique for protecting plants against cold weather is use of a blanket. This, however, isn’t any ordinary blanket or tarp found in your home. Generally, woven, non-plastic materials are best, and even row covers made from non-woven polyester are sold at garden supply stores. You can make one of these yourself, by looking for non-woven polyester at a craft or fabrics store and holding it in place over your plants with bricks, rocks, or other heavy objects around the edge of your garden. Such a covering traps the heat from the ground and makes the area around the plants five degrees higher. While this technique can be used for gardens in all areas, it’s particularly useful – and important – for gardens in low-lying areas that can be hit by cold first.

But, as not all plants are affected by a freeze, your garden may even remain intact after a minor frost or snow storm. Plants like greens often withstand snow, while other frost-sensitive plants may only be partially damaged by cold weather.





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